|Statement from the President of the
On the occasion of
World Human Rights Day December 10, 2012

In this glorious day corresponding to December 10, 2014, which falls on the anniversary of the International Day of Human Rights; gives me great pleasure to emphasize on the eligibility of everyone to express his views freely and to participate actively in the construction of his country in order to achieve his live in freedom and dignity, and this right is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , as it is also stipulated in international law, Article 25 of the International Covenant on civil and political rights.
The International Council Supporting Fair Trial and Human Rights expresses its full solidarity with all freedom fighters and political activists in various parts of the world in order to live in freedom and dignity, and actively participate in building their communities.
Also the International Council Supporting Fair Trial and Human Rights declares its support for civil society groups in order to achieve prosperity and good performance for their communities and the Council denounces strongly any attempts to suppress these groups based of the Council’s belief of the right of these groups to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, as stipulated by international law.
Lawyer Dr.: AbdulHameed Abbas Dashti
President of the International Council Supporting Fair Trial and Human Rights-Geneva