Double efforts to minimize woman movement in Bahrain In the mid-fifties of the previous century and during one of mass demonstrations, an unveiled young girl surprised the protesters and came to the forefront of that demonstration, leading the participants and reiterating slogans...
Issues Acid throwing Breast ironing Bride burning Dating abuse Date rape Domestic violence Domestic violence and pregnancy Dowry death Honor killing Female genital mutilation Gishiri cutting Infibulation Femicide Foot binding Forced abortion Forced pregnancy Forced prostitution Human...
UN: Don’t waste historic chance for a lifesaving Arms Trade Treaty All 193 UN Member States are gathering this week in New York for a final conference on a global Arms Trade Treaty. It shouldn’t take millions more dying and lives destroyed before leaders show some backbone and take action to...
Both Abdulhadi and his daughter Zainab Al-Khawaja were denied family visits again, prompting them to start a dry hunger strike today
Bahrain authorities has been condemned by sixty-six delegations at the United Nations UPR 13