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Rohani wins Iran presidential election

  President Hassan Rohani has been largely re-elected, the Iranians clearly showed their support for his policy of openness. He also reinforced his position with the Conservatives. Rohani won by 57% against his rival Ebrahim Raissi, who was supported by the clergy and some allies in the security...

البحرين: النظام يهاجم منطقة الدراز المحاصرة..

البحرين / صرح الدكتور عبد الحميد دشتي على حستبه الخاص بمايلي: في تطور خطير هاجم النظام بشكل عنيف منطقة الدراز المحاصرة من عدة محاور واستخدم كافة الاسلحة المحرمة ضد...

Trump in Riyadh: The United States and Saudi Arabia need each other

The US president arrived in Ryad Saturday morning, the first stage of a diplomatic journey that will also take him to the Vatican and Brussels. 
In turmoil’s situation after a week of overwhelming revelations about the possible ties between his team and Russia, US President Donald Trump arrived...

Trump foreign policy and Saudi money

    Officials from the White House says that a series of deals are going to be signed to improve Saudi defense effectiveness as Donald Trump is getting ready  for his Official Arab Trip. The Trump administration and Saudi Arabia have conducted extensive economic negotiations, the biggest US...

بيان المجلس الدولي لدعم المحاكمة العادلة..

يدين المجلس الدولي لدعم المحاكمة العادلة وحقوق الإنسان بأشد العبارات ويستنكر بشدة قرار المحكمة الكبرى الجنائية الرابعة في البحرين بحق سماحة آية الله الشيخ...