The Saudi government has failed to deliver on the promised reforms seeking to give more rights to Saudi women and end gender based discrimination. In Saudi Arabia women are systematically discriminated against, they have few rights and have only been given the right to vote in the past year. In...
حتى هذه الساعة تقوم الطائرات الأمريكية بمنع الباصات التي تنقل مسلحي داعش وعائلاتهم والتي غادرت منطقة سلطة الدولة السورية من التحرك وتحاصرها في وسط الصحراء...
Antonio Guterres stated that the UN is not facing any pressure from the Saudi-led coalition about the potential blacklisting of Saudi Arabia over the deaths of almost a thousand of Yemeni Children. Last week a confidential UN report reporting the mounting death toll of children in Yemen at the...
The Bahraini government denied the torture claims made by Human Rights groups, in spite of the reality on the ground and the undeniable proof of torture. Three Bahraini Human Rights groups accused Bahrain’s National Security Agency of torturing human rights activists in their report entitled...
التحالف الدولي : يدرج السعودية والإمارات بقائمة مرتكبي جرائم الحرب والابادة في أقوى موقف دولي ازاء التصعيد الذي شهدته اليمن وأودى لسقوط ضحايا مدنيين بينهم عدد من...