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الدورة 37 لمجلس حقوق الإنسان بالأمم المتحدة..

  تنطلق اليوم أعمال الدورة السابعة والثلاثين لمجلس حقوق الإنسان التابع للأمم المتحدة في قاعة حقوق الإنسان وتحالف الحضارات في قصر الأمم بجنيف وستفتح الدورة التي...

بــيــــــــان صحفي

"أن تموت من أجل الكرامة أثمن من أن تحيا من دونها" بعد أسبوع من العزلة وإضراب انذاري يومي 12و13 من فبرابر 2018 والذي رفضت إدارة السجن تسليمي وصل تقديمه وبعد ردة الفعل...

Statement by the spokesperson on the sentencing of the Bahraini Human Right..

Statement by the spokesperson on the sentencing of the Bahraini Human Right Defender, Mr Nabeel Rajab. On 21 February, Bahrain’s High Criminal Court sentenced Nabeel Rajab to five additional years in prison for comments posted on social media. This verdict follows the one which had already been...

Govt Trying To Obliterate the Mention Of “Free Zakzaky”

It appears that the government is increasingly becoming uncomfortable with the phrase “Free Zakzaky” by the day and it is spending sleepless nights in trying to obliterate it or substitute it. A team of so-called experts have been commissioned to find alternatives that would serve to distract...

Daily Free Zakzaky Sit Out Marks 801st Day Of Illegal Detention Of Sheikh Zakzaky

The daily free Zakzaky Daily Sit out campaign at Unity Fountain, Abuja by the Concerned Nigerians-led coalition of rights activists, groups and free Zakzaky Campaign Committee, today marked the eight hundred and first day since the illegal detention of the leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria,...

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