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Bahrain opposition leader arrested, charged with inciting terrorism

  (CNN), 18 September 2013 A leading opposition figure in Bahrain has been jailed after being charged with "inciting and advocating terrorism," Bahrain's Public Prosecution Office said. Activists in the tiny Persian Gulf kingdom, however, insist the charges against Khalil Al Marzooq are...

Kuwait supports integration of women’s rights within the United Nations system

  Geneva , KUNA , Al-Qabas : 17 September 2013 , No. : 14477 Kuwait confirmed in front of the 24th session of the United Nations Council for Human Rights yesterday: September 17, 2013, its support for the integration of women's human rights within the United Nations system . Diplomatic...

Saudi Arabia- Authorities prevent journalist and human rights defender Iman..

Saudi Arabia- Authorities prevent journalist and human rights defender Iman Al-Qahtani from traveling 20-Jul-13 On 19 July 2013, Saudi authorities stopped journalist and human rights defender Iman Al-Qahtani at the Dammam airport and prevented her from travelling to...

UAE- Ongoing targeting of human rights defenders, activists, and their families 11 July 2013 Human rights defenders and their families continue to be targeted by authorities in the UAE as many remain in detention, while others sentenced in abstentia facing extradition back to the country. On 7 July 2013 the Court of Cassation of Abu...

Zainab Al-Khawaja’s life at imminent risk as she and Abdul-Hadi Al-Khawaja..

24th March 2013 "Zainab Al-Khawaja is reportedly having severe hypoglymia with HGT measurements reaching 2. Her family reported that she sounded fatigued, said she was suffering loss of memory and concentration. Having initiated a dry hunger strike now, including no intake of glucose, will put her...