Registration No. : 2795

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البحرين: تعذيب المعتقلين في مبنى 10 في جو مستمر..

وردت معلومات من داخل سجن جو المركزي عن حالة تدهور كبيرة في أوضاع السجناء السياسيين، خصوصا فيى المبنى رقم 10 الذي تعرض بعض معتقليه للتنكيل والتعذيب والسجن الانفرادي....

Two Bahraini citizens standing in line for the next execution- appeal to stop new..

Following the execution of three Shia men the Bahraini Government is preparing to execute two more citizens, Mohammad Ramadan and Hussein Moosa, whose death sentences was confirmed in late 2015. As per the usual the two men were tortured while in prison, coerced to confess their crime, and not...

The Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed visits Sana’a

  The Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed concluded his two day visit to Sana'a where he met with representatives from Ansar Allah and General People's Congress. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Cessation of Hostilities, the security plan required for the peace...

Call for participation in the 34th session of Human Rights Council in March 2017 in..

دعوة لمشاركة المجلس الدولي لدعم المحاكمة..