During the second cycle of UPR in 2012 Bahrain was given 176 recommendations from the UN human Rights Council on a wide variety of issues pertaining to due process of law and human rights. Of which the government accepted and pledged to implement 158 recommendations. The government also...
وجه أنصار الشيخ زكزاكي رسالة إلى العالم والمجتمع الدولي يوضحون فيها ما آلت إليه حالة زعيمهم جراء الأعمال التعسفية التي ارتكبتها حكومة نيجيريا بحقه وحق زوجته ،...
On Sunday, March 26, millions of Yemenis gathered in front of the United Nations headquarters in the capital Sana’a in light of the second anniversary of Yemen’s invasion by the Saudis, backed by the US and its allies from GCC countries. The protesters condemned the ongoing Saudi aggression...
International Council Supporting Fair Trial and Human Rights President Dr Abdul Hameed Dashti, Lawyer, Human rights activist, former MP in Kuwait, chair of the Human Rights Commission of the Kuwaiti Parliament from June 2014 until October 2015, has been a subject of gradually escalating...
استغربت لجنة التضامن مع النائب الكويتي السابق د. عبدالحميد دشتي الحكم الجديد 3 سنوات بحقه تضاف إلى الأحكام السابقة والبالغة 42عاماً بتهمة الإساءة للسعودية....