Registration No. : 2795

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UK police trains hundreds of Saudis

  Over 250 police officers from Saudi Arabia have been recently specially trained by the UK College of Policing.   Human rights groups asked authorities to disclose the type of training provided.   Apparently, as described in a contract as an income generating business opportunity, the college...

Yemen: Saudi coalition hinders delivery of humanitarian aid

Geneva, 2 August 2017 - The Saudi-led coalition has prevented delivery of fuel to UN planes that provide humanitarian aid to Yemen, a senior UN official said on Tuesday. The United Nations uses two humanitarian air crafts that make connections with Jordan and Djibouti. However, because of the...

Charging opponents with terrorism is Bahrain’s new game to silence civil society

  Geneva, 27 July 2017 – On Wednesday, Bahrain charged 60 Shia Muslims with terrorism for protesting against the government. They will face a mass trial, scheduled on August 22. This is not the first time Bahrain tries to silence the Shiite population. Hundreds have been jailed since 2011 for...

سكان العوامية بين التهجير والحصار تمهيداً..

  فشلت السعودية في كسر إرادة الصمود لدى أهالي بلدة العوامية ، وفيما لم تستطع الآلة العسكرية تحقيق أي من أهداف الرياض ، لجأت السلطات إلى سياسة التهجير القسري ، في...

الكويت: بيان هام عن ممارسات الجهاز المركزي..

ورد للمجلس الدولي لدعم المحاكمه العادلة وحقوق الإنسان من الناشطين الكويتيين غير محددي الجنسية  البيان التالي بيان هام عن ممارسات الجهاز المركزي لمعالجة أوضاع...