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قرار من مجلس الامن الدولي بخروج العراق من..

المتحدث الرسمي باسم وزارة الخارجية العراقية د. أحمد محجوب: بعد سلسلة النجاحات الدبلوماسية التي حققتها وزارة الخارجية العراقية فقد تكللت جهودها بإصدار قرار من مجلس...

How I was burned, battered and shot by Nigerian Army during Zaria Genocide

This is the miraculous survival story of a man who was locked up in a room along with many others and the room set ablaze by Nigerian army. His burning body was battered, then shot! My name is Mahdi Goronyo, a Nigerian from Sokoto state. On the 12th of December, 2015 I went to Zaria in […]

The political repression: the center of provisory detention asked for the..

Geneva, 8th of December 2017 The Argentinian judge Claudio Bonadio asked for the remove of the ex-president Christina Fernandez de Kirchner from her function of senator and by the way to use the national authority to bring her to police custody. The judge request was contextualized in the complaint...

المؤسسة العامة اليمنية للإذاعة والتلفزيون..

[09/ديسمبر/2017] صنعاء - سبأ  أدانت المؤسسة العامة اليمنية للإذاعة والتلفزيون إستهداف طيران العدوان السعودي الأمريكي لمبنى الفضائية اليمنية وبوابتها وغرفة الحراسة ما...

More than 18 months of captivity for Sheikh Isa Qassim: a call to respect Human..

Geneva, Friday December 8th 2017 Since June 2016, the spiritual leader of the Shi’a movement Al-Wefaq, Sheikh Isa Qassim stayed home under military surveillance. Ayatollah is a fervent leader of the opposition to the current government. These political positions earned him the dissolution of his...