Registration No. : 2795

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الدنمارك: اردوغان مجرم حرب .. أعنف هجوم..

حصلت مشادة عنيفة بين مندوب الدنمارك في مجلس الامن ومندوب تركيا حيث ان الدنمارك اعلنت ان تركيا دولة مجرمة والرئيس اردوغان مجرم حرب في ظل المجازر التي يقوم بها الجيش...

A/HRC/37/L.18… Human rights in the occupied Syrian Golan

A/HRC/37/L.18… Human rights in the occupied Syrian Golan was voted on at the request of USA, a great friend and ally of the occupying force, Israel. To the dismay of Israel and USA the resolution is adopted with a majority vote of 25 yes, 7 abstentions, and 14 no. Deeply concerned at the...

A/HRC/37/L49 – Ensuring accountability and justice for all violations of..

A/HRC/37/L49 - Ensuring accountability and justice for all violations of international law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem Adopted with a majority vote of 27 yes, 15 abstentions, and 4 no! USA, UK, Australia and Togo voted no on this resolution. Condemning all...

A/HRC/37/L48 – Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,..

A/HRC/37/L48 - Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan This resolution is adopted with a majority vote of 34 yes, 8 abstentions, and 4 no! USA, Australia, Togo, and and Hungary voted no on this resolution. Recalling the...

A/HRC/37/L46 – Right of the Palestinian people to self-determination

A/HRC/37/L46 - Right of the Palestinian people to self-determination This resolution is adopted by the majority vote of 43 yes, 1 abstention, and 2 no! The two countries that were against the right of Palestinian people to self- determination are USA and Australia!! Guided by the principles of the...