باريس / فرنسا : نشطت يوم أمس الإثنين 4 يونيو، الأستاذة الجامعية "إيريني فيرنانديز مولينا" محاضرة حول الصحراء الغربية والسياسة الخارجية للمغرب، بجامعة باريس...
This illegal war has been going on way too long. If there is a will and commitment, there is no reason why the UN can’t declare as illegal and call for an immediate stop to Saudi-led coalition’s military operation and blockade in Yemen. Yemenis lives should come before selective and politically...
ICSFT condemns in the strongest terms the indiscriminate killings of innocent Palestinian protestors by the Israeli forces in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, in particular those killed in the past weeks of the Great Return March as the most recent victims of the occupying Israeli force. UN...
في سياق تنصل إدارة السجن المحلي أيت ملول 2 من تعهداتها تجاه الحقوق الأساسية للمعتقلين السياسيين الصحراويين ضمن مجموعة أكديم إزيك المتواجدين بذات المؤسسة...
ICSFT Condemns in the strongest terms the arbitrary arrest and detention of women’s rights activists and urges the Saudi authorities to release them immediately. We also call up on USA, UK, and France to stop rewarding Saudi Arabia’s crimes and arming the kingdom with more weapons that will be...