War in Hodeidah has to be avoided at all costs, not only because of the hundreds of thousands of people who would get in the crossfire but also the lifeline of long suffering Yemenis will be destroyed. ICSFT strongly urges the UNSC and HRC to immediately stop this military aggression. Issuing a...
The Bidoon saga is shameful for a country like Kuwait, which has all the resources it needs to resolve this issue but has instead chosen to pretend like this is someone else’s problem. And not only is Kuwait not doing anything about the statelessness issue, but the vast majority of the Bidoon...
لا يحق لعديمي الجنسية في الكويت الإقامة في الكويت، حيث يعيشون في ظروف سيئة في أحياء مهملة تقع في ضواحي مدينة الكويت. دون الحق في العمل القانوني، بل يعتمدون على العمل...
As a follow up to the universal periodic review of Bahrain, please find attached letter that the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights sent to Bahrain's Foreign Minister in order to highlight areas of particular attention over the next four and a half years - prior to the fourth cycle of the UPR....
Israeli is not a democracy. This has not been a point of contention amongst international human rights institutions and activists. In addition to the ongoing illegal occupation and willful massacre of Palestinian civilians, Israel uses institutionalized discrimination as a tool to promote its...