ICSFT calls for an urgent, full and unrestricted access to medical care in detention for all prisoners of conscience in Bahrain, in particular Hassan Mushaima, a septuagenarian prisoner of conscience serving a life sentence in Bahrain he continues to face illegal restrictions on his access to...
The Islamic Movement in Nigeria wishes to express its outright disapproval of the current campaign of calumny against the Shia Islamic faith in general and the Islamic Movement in particular PRESS RELEASE KDSG sponsors hate speech campaigns against us with book launch – Islamic Movement in...
ألمانيا / حذرت المنظمة “الأوروبية السعودية لحقوق الإنسان” من إقدام السلطات السعودية على إعدام 51 معتقلاً محكومين بالإعدام “استناداً إلى محاكمات معيبة، تغيب عنها...
اعتقال الرمز الحقوقي البحراني نبيل رجب وسجنه غير قانوني أعلنت الأمم المتحدة يوم الأربعاء ١٥ أغسطس ٢٠١٨م بأن اعتقال الرمز الحقوقي البحراني نبيل رجب وسجنه "غير...
Thousands of mourners gathered in Yemen’s northern city of Saada Monday for the funerals of 52 people, including 40 children, who were killed in a US-backed Saudiled coalition airstrike on a school bus while it drove through a market in Dahyan, a town in Saada, last week. The massacre of school...