Registration No. : 2795

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Resolution A/HRC/39/L.21 titles human rights situation in Yemen was adopted with a..

The adoption of this resolution is a no-brainier for the human rights council and Memeber states as the atrocities in Yemen have reached an unprecedented level with complete impunity. What more do we need to finally end this tragedy??? Far from conforming to international and humanitarian laws, as...

وفد عن الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير الساقية الحمراء..

وفد عن الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير الساقية الحمراء وواد الذهب يشارك في فعاليات المؤتمر السنوي لحزب العمال البريطاني   لندن / الولايات المتحدة : أختتمت بالأمس فعاليات...

The human rights situation in the Syrian Arab Republic!

The human rights situation in the Syrian Arab Republic! The human rights council remains to be a hostage to the pre-existing political propaganda against the Syrian Arab Republic engineered by Saudi Arabia, UAE, USA, UK, and allied countries. These countrys’ negative and hostile approach based on...

A-Hrc-39-L.13 Preventable maternal mortality and morbidity and human rights in..

A-Hrc-39-L.13 Preventable maternal mortality and morbidity and human rights in humanitarian settings was adopted with out a vote at the 39th Hrc session Reaffirming international human rights instruments (including the UDHR, ICESCR, ICCPR, CEDAW, CRC) as well as humanitarian instruments (GCs and...

A-hrc- 39-L.8 – local government and human rights was adopted with out a vote..

A-hrc- 39-L.8 - local government and human rights was adopted with out a vote at the 39th Hrc session Recalling the UDHR and relevant international human rights instruments (in particular the ICCPR and the ICESCR) and related UN resolutions, the resolution bears in mind also that human rights and...