Registration No. : 2795

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British Muslims unite to condemn the executions in Saudi Arabia


We, the undersigned, deplore the execution of prominent Shia Muslim scholar, Sheikh Nimr Baqir Al-Nimr, and other activists, who campaigned for political reform and the right for freedom of expression in Saudi Arabia. We are shocked and appalled by the execution at a time when sectarian tensions are increasing throughout the Middle East and spreading across the world. Executions must never be the response to calls for political reform from minorities. Such decisions will only increase conflict, fuel sectarian tension and further encourage terrorist groups such as Daesh. This is also counterproductive to the efforts of organisations and scholars who continue to engage in constructive dialogue to diffuse tensions and achieve peace. We call for respect of universal human rights and the sanctity of human life. The protection of both ethnic and religious groups should be paramount in any modern society. Our thoughts and prayers are with family and friends of Sheikh Nimr Baqir Al-Nimr and other activists executed for voicing their views. Signatories (in alphabetic order): - Akeela Ahmed - Al-Khoei Foundation – Sayed Saheb Al-Khoei - All Faiths and None – Raheed Salam - British Muslim TV – Aamer Naeem - Central Association of Sunni Muslims UK – Allama Ahmad Nesar Beg Qadri - Central Association of Sunni Muslims UK – Allama Mufti Hafiz fazel Ahmad Qadri - Centre for Applied Criminology, Birmingham City University – Dr. Imran Awan - Cllr Ghazanfar Ali - Council for Christian Muslim Relations – Cllr Chauhdry Shafique MBE - Council of European Jamaats – Dr. Akbar Mohamedali - Dr. Khurshid Ahmed CBE - Edinburgh Ahlul Bayt Society – Iftikhar Ali - Enfield Racial Equality Council – Shaikh Talat - Harrow Central Mosque – Mohamed Sadeeq - Hayyan Ayaz Bhabha - Hyderi Islamic Centre – Esmat Jeraj - Istadh Hasseb Rahman - Judge Khurshid Drabu CBE - Lady Sughra Society of Glasgow – Shabir Beg - Leeds Muslim Youth Group – Dr. Mohammad Mozaffari - Majlis-e-Ulama Shia Europe – Maulana Sheikh Zaffar Abbas - Maqsood Ahmed OBE - Markaz Ahlu Ul Bayt – Sayed Ali Raza Rizvi - Mohammed Al-Sharifi - Mohammedali Gokal - Muhammedi Trust – Khalida Rahman - Muslim Council of Wales – Saleem Kidwai OBE - New Horizons in British Islam – Dilwar Hussain - Pasha Shah - Ramadhan Foundation – Mohammed Shafiq - Sahar Al-Faifi - Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society – Ishrat Hasnain - Shia Ithna'ashari Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali) – Miqdaad Versi - Somali Bravanese Community in the UK – Abubakar Ali - The World Federation – Dr. Asgharali Moledina - World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League (WABIL) – Sayed Mohammad Al-Musawi