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INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL SUPPORTING FAIR TRIAL and HUMAN RIGHTS following the announcement by the Saudi Interior about the execution of the martyr Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr


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In the shocking  & sad  news , a Saudi Interior Ministry released , a statement  on Saturday saying that the  death sentence, which was implemented on Saturday morning in the 12 area, against  47 civilians, including Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr   Since the execution of the sentence was at the beginning of a new year which we wanted it to be a year of peace and Review as we hoped, but we were surprised by the announcement on the implementation of death sentences against political activists and human rights defenders   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL SUPPORTING FAIR TRIAL and HUMAN RIGHTS put this whole matter  in front of the international community and the UN Secretary-General and the UN Security Council and the High Commissioner for Human  Rights  and  the  Council  of   Human  Rights  and  the  Organization of  the Islamic Conference and And all governmental bodies and civil international organizations concerned with human rights to familiarize themselves with their historical responsibilities in addressing what is happening to target to international peace and security  and  the  rights  of human beings and their lives


  We remind the international community and its member states in the UN  signatory  to  the Universal Declaration of  Human  Rights,  which  stipulates  clauses  explicitly  on the right  of   everyone  to  the enjoyment of all rights and freedoms without distinction as to race, color, sex, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion, according to Article  II  The  of   the  Declaration ,  and  as   stated in  Article  III that everyone has the right of  life,liberty and security,Accordingly, as the Saudi authorities carried  out  the  death  sentence   against  cleric   Sheikh   Nimr  al - Nimr,  it represents a clear violation of the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights   President of the INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL  SUPPORTING FAIR TRIAL and HUMAN RIGHTS Dr.. Abdul Hamid Dashti Geneva Saturday, January 2, 2016 ختم المجلس الدولى