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The Periodical Report on the General Situation in the Republic of Yemen (August 2019)

The mask was revealed at last. Hundreds of thousands of raids by the Saudi and UAE coalition with US weapons have killed tens of thousands of civilians according to neutral UN reports, under the pretext of resisting the coup in Sana'a and supporting the alleged legitimate government. The honorable people of Yemen were aware of the falsity of such a slogan and knew its hollowness and deception. There was neither a coup d'état and nor any existing constitutional legitimacy in reality so as to be rescued. Moreover, war fleets and their billions cannot be a fund to support peoples' choices

Despite all this, the international community is still complicit and even contributing to this travesty, taking place on the scene of the Yemeni people’s blood, giving no attention to its humanitarian and moral consequences and the great sufferings of the noble Yemeni people, which, through its successive victories, gave Yemen its glory and prestige and taught its enemies a lesson, as its ancestors did throughout history to all the invaders. Yemen was and will remain a graveyard for the invaders.


please find attached The Periodical Report

EN Report August 2019 - National Team for Foreign Outreach