Registration No. : 2795

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Nagla Mohamed-lamin Salma

 Nagla Mohamed-lamin Salma


I am a young woman from Western Sahara. I was was born and raised in the Saharawi refugee camps southwest Algeria.

I consider myself an independent human right defender, and I work hard to raise the voice of my people everywhere I go. I work with civil society in the Sahrawi refugee camps and I am active with a group of people to promote nonviolence resistance as a path to freedom. I am also a member and the vice-president of the Saharawi Association In the United States. 

I am a students currently in the U.S.A and served as the president of two student organization, Muslim Student organization and Sustainability Club for two years. I am going to a school in northwest United States working towards a degree in sustainable development and women's studies. I have organized many conferences, workshops, and even spoke in the UN headquarter in New York defending my right to self-determination. I have a responsibility to be in the side of justice and ensure that my people's voice is heard no matter where I am.


Not only that, but I recently attended the Human right commission 40 session. I was proudly there asking for solidarity, promoting the voice of my people and making sure our voice is heard in a place that was build for human right protection and promotion.

I participated in three panels, and one of them was organized by International Council Supporting Fair Trial and Human right. I elaborated in the importance of self-determination to my people and why the Sahrawis must exercise this right. I shared my story and the story of my family, the peaceful resistance that my people are doing and why it is not noticed by international community. 

But, my number one massage in that panel and in every panel, conference or workshop is that I have a right to choose freely and so does my family, my friends, and every Saharawi person. We have the right to tell the world what we want in a fare and justice referendum.

Here is a link to both NGO'S I am working with