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Saudi Arabia Seeks to Abolish UN Investigation into War Crimes in Yemen

Saudi Arabia Seeks to Abolish UN Investigation into War Crimes in Yemen


Human Rights Watch:

"The Saudi-led coalition campaign to discredit and undermine UN investigations into abuses committed by all warring parties in Yemen is another blatant attempt to avoid scrutiny of the coalition's actions," John Fisher, director of Human Rights Watch in Geneva, said in a statement. "The Human Rights Council can not afford to let down Yemeni People, (Council) to renew the mandate (investigation) or risk the credibility of the Council," he added.

A decision led by a group of European countries and Canada to extend the investigation for one year, especially after the investigation confirmed last month to obtain evidence of war crimes by the military alliance led by Saudi Arabia, and the rest of the parties.

The humanitarian situation in Yemen has worsened since the start of the US-Saudi aggression in March 2015, in which about 40,000 civilians were killed and injured, according to independent civilian statistics, in addition to the destruction of the infrastructure of the country, under international silence.