Registration No. : 2795

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The human rights council adopted a resolution titled the contribution of the human rights council to the prevention of human rights violations with a majority vote of 28 Yes, 9 No, and 8 Abstentions.

The text of the resolution reads as follows “ the Human Rights Council, Guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, Reaffirming the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, and recalling the International Covenants on Human Rights and other human rights instruments,

1. Recognizes the contribution the Human Rights Council can make to the prevention of human rights violations, including through the mandate set out in paragraph 5 (f) of General Assembly resolution 60/251, which comprises two mutually-reinforcing elements: (a) To contribute, through dialogue and cooperation, towards the prevention of human rights violations; (b) To respond promptly to human rights emergencies; 2. Decides to convene two intersessional seminars with States and other relevant stakeholders, including the United Nations Secretariat and relevant bodies, representatives of subregional and regional organizations, international human rights mechanisms, national human rights institutions and non-governmental organizations, on the contribution that the Human Rights Council can make to the prevention of human rights violations. Finally the resolution requests the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to ensure that the chair-rapporteur and rapporteurs receive the necessary financial and human resources to enable them to discharge their mandate fully.

UAE, commenting on behalf of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait and Egypt, remarked that human right is a government led process and governments have the primary responsibility for its implementation. The text of this resolution although technical has unnecessary financial implication on the work of the HRC especially right now when we are faced with shortage of funding to sustain the councils work. Further the council has a mandate to prevent human rights violations through technical cooperations so this resolution is just another duplication with out any substantial added value. Then the delegate from UAE proceeded to state that these countries will not support the resolution. China, Venezuela, and south Aftica also shared the same sentiment through their explanation of vote statements.

ICSFT would like to reiterate that HRC is not an esthetic organ rather must take proactive and consistent measures to ensure the protection of human rights across the globe including effective prevention of human rights violations, and promotion of genuine human rights systems.

Of note, ICSFT would like to point out that most GCC countries have a terrible track record when it comes to cooperation with UN a human rights mechanisms including UPR, special procedures, complaint mechanisms, and working groups in good faith. For example, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia have rejected the visitation requests of several special procedures mandate orders, and Incase of rare engagement with the human rights mechanisms cooperations were cosmetic and disingenuous. Countries like Bahrain, UAE, Saudi Arabia, And Kuwait are in dire need of human rights reform; hence perfect targets of this resolution that aims to promote the effective utilization of UN human rights mechanisms to prevent human rights violations.

ICSFT therefore welcomes this initiative and urges these GCC countries to embrace this text with out reservation. Meaningful cooperation with UN human rights mechanisms in good faith is the only way to end the rampant human rights violations and crackdown against human rights defenders and CSOs. While claiming full cooperation with the OHCHR and HRC during statements and declarations, resisting a resolution that aims at facilitating effective cooperation with nations to prevent human rights violations is the hypocrisy and disingenuous engagement that characterizes these countries approach towards human rights.

