Registration No. : 2795

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ICSFT’s declaration for the adoption of  Item 7 General Debate at the 38th HRC session

ICSFT continues to be deeply troubled by the suffering of Palestinian people who have been under Israel’s illegal occupation for decades in gross violation of international laws. Of recent, during the Great March of Return rallies as Palestinians were marching to bring attention to the their Right of Return and an end to the blockade on Gaza as enshrined in United Nations Resolution 194, Israeli military snipers were prepositioned with shoot-to-kill orders. Palestinians peaceful and non-violent demands have been met with a brutal show of force, with more than 100 Palestinians killed and over 12,200 injured by Israeli forces. Despite several call by the international community to end occupation and urging Israel to refrain from using excessive force against unarmed protesters, Israel continues to act with complete impunity with the support of its allies. While Israel holds the ultimate responsibility, blame also lies with all governments that do not take action to stop the killings.


Please click on the link below to read the full oral intervention

ICSFT oral intervention for Item 7 General Debate