Registration No. : 2795

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ICSFT oral intervention for item 4 General debate, addressing the human rights situation in Yemen, Saudi, Bahrain, and Kuwait at the 38hrc session!

ICSFT remains to be deeply concerned by the ongoing human rights crisis in Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Kuwait. Human rights defenders, Journalists, and lawyers are arrested solely for peaceful expression of ideas; civil society continues to face unprecedented pressure through repressive laws, detentions, interrogations, travel bans, and digital intimidation.

ICSFT is alarmed by the silent international diplomacy towards the Saudi-led coalition war crimes in Yemen. In the prevailing climate of impunity, the Saudi led and USA, UK, and France backed coalition war has killed and wounded thousands of innocent Yemenis. We urge the council to end impunity by ensuring effective investigation in to the war crimes committed by Saudi led coalition. We call up on the Saudi led coalition and its allies to immediately stop this war on Yemen.


Please find attached the full intervention

ICSFT oral intervention for General debate item 4