Almost 70 years after creation of the Universal Declaration of Human Right, humans are still living in a world that seems to not have right for everyone

Geneva, 11th of December 2017.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is with no doubts one of the most beautiful and precious document of humanity. Ratified on the 10th of December 1948, his first article says that every human are born free and equal in dignity and in rights. It is an innovation in relation of the others old declarations, particularly the Declaration of Human Right and Citizen.
Translate in 500 languages, the UDHR compromised all the existing states in the world to ensure and respect the human dignity and the possibility to have day by day a fairer world on the social, economic, political and cultural aspects. Nevertheless, nowadays the UDHR is also one of the least respected text. Unfortunately, the financial interests of a few, dominate the holistic interests of all the people of our earth.
Even if the UDHR’s goal is to strengthen us as a society, it is no less true that some countries like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain or the United Arab Emirates have policies that make this goal difficult. The Women Right, the right to freedom of opinion and expression among other rights are not taken into account in the named countries. The result can be seen, for example, in the political arrests of opposing leaders and icons of the peaceful movement in Bahrain. (Sheikh Ali Salman). As far as Saudi Arabia is concerned, the flagrant violation of Human Rights principles and the Government's conception of the law rules making the legal security doing too often dangerous and unfair judgments. Or freedom of expression and association in the United Arab Emirates, which makes people oppose to government policies and have to face forced moving, unjust judgments or torture.
But it isn’t only these countries where the lack of human rights is present. Indeed, countries like Colombia or Mexico are worrying and leave us with a bitter taste when talking about human rights. In Colombia, corruption, economic interests and lack of political will in the government make the social injustice reigns and human rights are violated through killings, massacres, enforced disappearances, moving of the population among others. The result is seen in more than 182 human rights defenders murdered since the signing of peace agreements between the Government and the FARC-EP. Mexico is also a very similar case as Colombia where enforced disappearances, extrajudicial executions, torture, arbitrary detention and social insecurity are a daily bread.
However, the UDHR says that human rights belong to every human being and are therefore universal. They are inalienable, pre-exist the legal order and remain reference points for critically evaluating the law in force. International law is thereby obliged to protect them through mechanisms of realistic application. This in reference to UN General Assembly Resolution 41/120 on the establishment of International Human Rights standards.
The ICSFT is asking this question: "If all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and live with one another in a spirit of brotherhood, where has been the fraternal spirit Israel regarding the Palestinian people? ". Is it even a question of whether the Balfour Declaration respects the Human Rights of the Palestinian people, if the decisions taken by Today’s most powerful countries have the political will to uphold the rights of peoples to live in Peace, fraternally and with dignity in a world that seems to be at its last breath of happiness. Is it not necessary to make a drastic change in economic, social and political structures in order to be guaranteed to assert what is written in the UDHR?
The ICSFT considers that human dignity is the founding value of human rights. It is thanks to it that the UDHR and many others constitutions exist. Unfortunately, it has too many enemies who today privilege power and finance over the rights of human beings. What would Martin Luther King say about the treatment of Afro-American peoples in the 21st century in the United States? What would Mandela say about the slavery currently being held in the "democracy" established by the US and the EU in Libya? What would say the French precursors of Human Rights seeing that the principles of the French Republic trample peoples from elsewhere in the world with bombs that fight against what they were defending, against what is defending the UDHR: the right to live.
The ICSFT sees this as a duty to align itself to the path of people and defending the voices of the oppressed ones who demand today at least the first article of the UDHR to be guaranteed to them. Almost after 70 years of the creation of the declaration in question, the ICSFT makes a call to the international community to defend the UDHR. The organization also ratifies its compromise with human rights, with the rights of people to live with dignity, in a world of social justice guaranteed by a popular and just political will for all.