Donald Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israel capital and moves the US embassy in Al-Quds.

Geneva, 7th of December 2017
The USA president Donald Trump criticized his predecessors by saying that they did not have the courage to recognize what he thought was obvious: to declare Jerusalem as Israel's capital. That is how Donald Trump decided to move his embassy to Al-Quds, a procedure that will take about four years, according to White House officials.
Despite warnings from the international community, the US president claims that this decision will not affect the peace process between Palestinians and Israelis. Donald Trump is starting a crisis in the Middle East region probably giving rise to a possible scale of unnecessary violence in the region.
ICSFT believes that the consequences of this decision are a slap in the
face of international law, including UN Resolution 2334. Historically, Jerusalem was founded almost 6000 years ago by the Semitic people of the Canaanite branch. Where does the people of Palestine come from? President Trump's attitude is inappropriate and undermines any peace process. The reality promoted by the US is despotic towards a people that since the Balfour Declaration of 1917 has fallen victim to genocide and violence almost comparable to the extermination of the Jewish people during the Second World War.
This way, the decision of the North American President violates international law and leads to a new crisis that foster extremism. Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa have postulated their concern over a situation that only seeks to fuel the war in the region and to meet some of Israel's financial interests. This taking account of what the city of Jerusalem means economically and for tourism.
The ICSFT believes that the international community is trying to put cold water sheets on a burning situation and too often turns a blind eye to the situation of the Palestinian people. So the ICSFT urges:
- The United States Government to withdraw its decision and backtrack to avoid a tragic war in the Middle East.
- President Trump to respect international law and UN resolutions, including 2334 regarding the Palestinian Territories Occupied by Israel.
- The international community to condemn, refute and challenge the decision of the US government. In order to promote and defend the right of the Palestinian people to have a defined territory where they can live with dignity and peace.
- The people of the world to protest against this tragic decision that could easily lead to the outbreak of a third world war.