Actual Situation in Honduras: the government answer to the democracy in Honduras

Geneva, 5th of December 2017
On the 26th of November 2017, the Hondurans had the possibility to go on the ballot box to choose their new president. Today, the central-American country is in crisis, it is the theatre of many manifestations which led to tens of dead.
It was only one day after the election that the Supreme Electoral Court has accorded an important victory to the opposition candidate Salvador Nasralla. But a second counting contradicted the result and gave the victory to the actual president Orlando Hernandez.
People took to the streets to manifest their turmoil and to denounce the electoral fraud. The Supreme Electoral Court stopped the promulgation of the electoral result which led to many manifestations. Those manifestations have been stopped by a repressive manner with the
help of the army.
The constitutional warranties were suspended by violating the legal process. indeed, the Defense Minister called the law enforcement agencies to the weaponization by besieging the country during 10 days. This way people can’t be on the street between 6 am and 6 pm. But,
the national constitution says that this kind of decree has to be approved b the president in the conference with the Ministers Council, something that hasn't been done. On the other side, the COBRA division of the police declares to be on strike. This division is also claiming
his unwillingness to follow the orders of the government, but the will of the population.
This creates a crisis unprecedented in the country and in the big division that is COBRA inside the national army institution.
The result is tragical: the mains roads of Tegucigalpa the capital have been blocked which paralyzed all the country. Poor people organized themselves in their neighborhood, they are asking for transparency to the government and the Supreme Electoral Court. But the repression from the army and the police was the one answer they got. The law enforcement agencies have led harsh operations on people, they fire real bullets which killed 7 persons and more than twenty injured.
The ICSFT asks the national authority to respect and ensure the civil and political rights of Hondurans which are ensured by the national constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The inventory state to fix the political dissatisfaction isn’t the right solution to the issues of a population impoverished by the neoliberal politic of the current government.
Like always, the USA and the Americans Organization kept the silent in front of all those irresponsible actions which answer only the financial interest of some peoples.
Our NGO is asking among other to the Honduras government a compensation for the victims of violence and to all the victim’s family who lost their lives during a manifestation where they were only asking for transparency and less corruption which are their rights as Hondurans.
This is really necessary if we want to respect the integrality of the law which protects the population of the central-American countries.
To conclude, the ICSFT is also asking transparency in those elections which seem still be a coup attempt similar to the one of ex-president M. Manuel Zelava.