Arbaeen TrekNigeria 2017 commences tomorrow Sunday 5th November

Even if they severe our legs & hands, We shall crawl for your sake Hussein! – #IMN
The Islamic Movement in Nigeria is set to commence the annual #ArbaeenTrekNigeria 2017, which is scheduled to commence this year from the Kano zone from tomorrow Sunday November 5.
The Arbaeen trek is a solemn walk undertaken exactly 40 days from the date that Imam Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet was brutally martyred in Karbala (now in Iraq) . The Imam had set out for good leadership and justice, in opposition to tyranny and oppression of the time. He was met with a brutal force that gave him no choices beyond surrender in humiliation or be martyred. Imam Hussein chose to be honored by martyrdom.
We will be mostly clad in black, because it is a mourning procession. It will take us a few days to complete the walk to be done from seven zones. Usually, people of all age groups trudge in the scorching sun during the day and rest in camps outside in the chilling cold at night. They traverse through some rough terrains, go through uneven roads, endure some severe tongue lashing of critics and face some dangerous attacks from security agents. Without anything more than the burning love for “The Master” Hussein, with flags and banners informing the world of the purpose of the journey!
O self, you are worthless after Hussein.
Our life and death are one and the same,
So be it if they call us insane!
This Arbaeen Trek is reenactment of that trek by family of the Prophet (S) following the martyrdom of Hussein(AS) and symbolizes the tribulations they underwent in the hands of tyrants. It is a symbolic religious duty you would see Shi’as do worldwide.
For those who could make it, they trek to Karbala had since commenced. Nigeria’s delegation is currently participating in the trek from Najaf to Karbala. Those of us who couldn’t make the trip to Iraq will trek various distances to varying places according to our abilities.
This year, Christians and other international observers have been invited to participate and give it adequate coverage. The Arbaeen trek has been the rallying point for global good leadership and justice against oppression and tyranny.
©#FreeZakzaky Campaign Committee, November 2017