The Arab Coalition kills more than 21 people during an airstrike in Yemen

The airstrike carried out by the Arab coalition has completely destroyed a hotel complex close to the market in Suhar. Up until now, most of the victims are men. It’s still difficult to determine if the victims are civilians or members of the rebel group, who are controlling the Saada province since 2010.
5’000 civilians have died in the conflict in Yemen and more than 8’700 have been wounded, according to the new report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. The numbers are still rising. The country is experiencing one of the biggest humanitarian crisis in the world, caused by indiscriminate attacks against residential areas, hospitals, schools and more. Most of the attacks are carried out by Saudi Arabia, financed by US government. Armed groups are responsible of recruiting 67% children causing suffering among civilians. It cannot be forgotten that the conflict has caused, up until today, a massive drought on a natural level. People are food insecure and the cholera outbreak is killing thousands.
The land and air embargo imposed by the Saudi-led coalition is carrying the nation to a point of no return. In addition, the presence of foreign mercenaries controlled by UAE soldiers does not improve Yemen’s humanitarian crisis. Before 2000, mercenaries in Yemen were supervised by the north-American Erik Prince, former director of the private military society Blackwater.
ICSFT condemns the Saudi-led coalition for its crimes against the population of Yemen and demands the following:
That the right of Yemeni people be respected. ICSFT refers to Article 3 and Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
That the fundamental principles of international law incorporated in the Charted of the United Nations be respected. The problems in Yemen concern the people of Yemen only and they should be solved by them only in a peaceful and democratic way.
End the traffic of mercenaries, keeping in mind that mercenaries benefit only the interests of an obscure force who does not respond to the interest of the people.
The international community has to be more active in the war in Yemen in order to solve the humanitarian crisis. There is need for transparency and independence in the search for justice and peace.
That the independent commission of inquiry for Yemen starts an exhaustive investigation concerning all crimes caused by the Saudi-led coalition in order to condemn these brutal acts and put an end to the war crimes.