Letter to the Special Rapporteur on Truth Justice and reparation on the case of Mr Jaime Gomes

Bogotá, October 2017
Mr. Pablo de Greiff
Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth,
justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence
United Nations
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Dear Mr. de Greiff,
Hereby we would like to briefly inform you on the status of the case of Jaime Enrique Gómez Velásquez, social activist, victim of forced disappearance on March 21st, 2006 in Colombia. His remains were found and recovered irregularly by police authorities in the city of Bogota on April the 23rd of the same year. Jaime Gómez was a union leader for more than 20 years, local deputy of Bogota -Concejal-, teacher and activist of the political opposition in Colombia. At the time of his disappearance, he was an adviser to former Senator Piedad Córdoba Ruiz.
The Colombian government not only refused to preserve his life, but obstructed both the search conducted to find him alive and the actions carried out later to find the perpetrators. Jaime’s and his relatives’ rights to truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-repetition were violated.
We consider urgent that international institutions make a call to the Colombian government for the investigation of the crime to move forward and the rights that we have as family members prevail. In particular, we ask the Colombian institutions to prioritize the case, to assign investigators and a Prosecutor willing to investigate and find the truth. This is the same petition the family and lawyers –Comisión Colombiana de Juristas- have been doing for more than 7 years to the Attorney General's Office, as well as the inclusion and consideration of the information the family provided in relation to the facts and the context surrounding the crime.
In October 2016, her family and lawyers met with the Deputy Prosecutor, (Vicefiscal) Ma. Paulina Riveros, and there were commitments to promote the case and carry out measures proposed by family and lawyers. Unfortunately, not only have the commitments not been fulfilled, but the Attorney´s Office changed the Prosecutor in charge of the case once again - for the eighth time-. This is a well-known mechanism for adjourning investigations and even more worrisome in the current context in which the implementation of the Habana Peace Accords seems to reaffirm the asymmetrical treatment of victims of State crimes in Colombia.
Attached to this communication you will find the following information: 1. The political context surrounding the disappearance of Jaime Enrique and his diverse political work in Colombia and Venezuela; 2. The irregularities in the removal of his remains as well as the irregularities within the Institute of Legal Medicine of Colombia and 3. The actions that the
Colombian Attorney General's Office has carried out since the events occurred (2006) eleven
years and seven months ago.
We make this information available to you in the hope that your voice and your efforts will
encourage Colombian authorities to comply with their constitutional duty to guarantee the
rights of victims as well as justice, truth and non-repetition.
Sincerely yours,
Diana Marcela Gómez (dianagomezcorreal@gmail.com)
David Ricardo López (daverichard68_4@hotmail.com)
Juan Sebastián Gómez (jsebastiangomez@hotmail.com)