Michael Lynk: Israel has to internationally put an end to the illegal occupation of Palestine

The Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967urged the international community to take all necessary measures to hold Israel accountable for its systematic violations of international law on occupied Palestinian territory.
During the presentation of the rapport at the United Nations in New York, Lynk informed the General Assembly that the limit of illegality was breached by the Israeli government. The OPT can in no way be occupied and claimed as property of Israel, according to international law. However, for more than 50 years, Israel has bluntly ignored more than 40 Security Council resolutions and more than 100 General Assembly resolutions. One of those is resolution 2334 approved by the Security Council of the United Nations.
The regime of Tel Aviv has arrested more than 25’000 children since 1967 on Palestinian territory. Among those, 7’000 between the age of 9 and 17 were subjected to torture and other degrading treatments. Moreover, children are used as human shields in order to persuade Palestinians from throwing stones at Israeli tanks after conflict arises. Furthermore, there are 5’000 Palestinian prisoners who live under inhumane conditions in Israeli prisons, where basic rights such as the right to water, food, education and fair trial are not respected by the Israeli authorities.
The speech of the highest Israeli representative is threatening and dangerous for the Palestinian population and there are many Israeli citizens who consciously urge that the Palestinian occupation is brought to an end.
The Special Rapporteur confirmed that it is possible to oblige the State of Israel to put an end to the occupation in order to promote the right of self-determination of the Palestinian people recognized by the international community.
ICSFT stands with the Special Rapporteur and supports it’s. ICSFT urges the Israeli government to respect international law, the Human Rights Charter and other conventions that guarantee the rights of Palestinian people. On the other hand, ICSFT rejects and condemns the aggressive attitude of the State of Israel against the Palestinian people, against the Syrian people and its complicity with terrorist groups such as Daesh.