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Still looking for evidence of Nigerian Army’s Heinous Crimes in Zaria?

Next week Monday, the Presidential Investigation Panel looking at human rights abuses committed by the Nigerian Army will resume sitting in Abuja.

Among others, the Panel's sheet of terms of reference states that the panel is expected "to investigate alleged acts of violation of International humanitarian and human rights laws under the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended), Geneva Convention Act, African Charter on Human and People's Rights (Ratification and Enforcement) Act and other relevant laws by the Armed Forces in local conflicts and insurgencies."

Although an earlier Judicial Commission has established that  a "massacre" indeed took place when they clearly stated in its report that "the actions of the troops of the Nigerian Army were also found to be contrary to the Rules of Proportionality by International Standards." The report further stated that, "it did appear that the Nigerian Army did not adhere strictly to the provisions of its Rules of Engagement and the Code of Ethics during the operation."

In what appears to be a U-turn in its earlier self declared method of taking testimonies in public, the panel opted to listen to the leader of the Islamic Movement, Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky in camera, a move that suggests that there may be a deliberate attempt to conceal evidence.

We present this short video clip that shows the extent of the horrendous crime carried out by Nigerian Army in the residence of the Sheikh in Zaria in December 2015.