On 28 September 2017, the Human Rights Council adopted Resolution No. (A/HRC/36/L.8), which provides that a committee of international and regional experts to be established to monitor the human rights situation in Yemen.
After several years of war in Yemen, the UN Human Rights Council approved a European draft resolution submitted by the Netherlands, Belgium and Canada with the support of some European countries.
The resolution provides for establishing an international committee composed of international and regional experts fully familiar with international law and with the conflict in Yemen to undertake a comprehensive study of the humanitarian situation and violations committed by States of aggression, to make general recommendations to improve the humanitarian situation and protect human rights in accordance with the international standards, and to provide guidance for achieving the desired justice and accountability and to punish perpetrators.
In addition to communicating with all concerned parties and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries (GCC), the Arab States and the League of Arab States to pick up all the needful information to complete the Committee's task.
We, in the International Council Supporting Fair Trial and Human Rights, extend our gratitude to His Excellency the High Commissioner of Human Rights, Prince Zeid Bin Raad Al-Hussein, and appreciate his efforts in submitting the request to establish this Committee for the third time, and his insistence on giving the Yemenis their rights after several years of suffering human rights violations. This is all a result of the aggression carried out by the Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia which tried to abort the resolution. The abortion failed due to the insistence of the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada and some European countries that supported them, and due to national human rights organizations and their honorable stand with the Yemeni people who have suffered and are still suffering the war imposed by the countries of aggression with British and American support under international silence. However this resolution came to ignite a candle of hope in the darkness and nightmares of the brutal war on Yemen!
International Council Supporting Fair Trial and Human Rights