Dr. Foad’s speech during the side event on Yemen organized by Khiam Rehabilitation Center on 13 Sep 2017

Two years and a half since the Saudi- led coalition launched military campaign against the Yemeni people. Cluster bombs, unguided missiles, and heavy armed troops were unleashed to bombard Yemeni land indistinctly.
At least 20 thousand were killed in air strikes, tens of thousands of civilians were injured, and thousands of houses were leveled to the ground, let alone schools, factories, bridges, supermarkets, gas and power supply stations, and much more were demolished. All this happened whereas the so called the international community gave a blind eye to the ongoing catastrophe in Yemen.
Successive negotiations, mediations, and condemnations but all were in vain while the aggression still continues. No resolution for stopping the war was issued so far from the Security Council. Indeed, nothing will change the political realities in Yemen unless the international community commits to the treaties signed by UN state members.
Needless to say, Saudi regime is not the only party to be blamed for the ongoing tragedy in Yemen, though the Saudis play a central role in the imposed war. The United States was and still is the main player in the war game by arming the coalition and providing all forms of intelligence assistance. The UAE has also joined the coalition on the basis of propping up its influence in Yemen; it manages to play as a proxy for the United States, it has committed war crimes against Yemeni people and must be brought to justice.
The lack of an effective role of the Security Council as well as international institutions including the international criminal court in Hague, at a time where no real efforts were exerted to bring this war to a complete end, would, unfortunately, cause more pain to the Yemeni women and children. As a result, the failure to reach ceasefire encourages the coalition to escalate its military campaign and carry out more sever atrocities against the civilians in Yemen.
After 2 years and a half, the war escalates the scores of massacres increase while the International community resorts to silence and negligence. The moral values and human temperament died out, and no deterrence could force the aggressors to stop the war or avoid civilian areas.
Could anyone ask about the real motives behind this massive destructive war on Yemen by the Saudi-led coalition?
Whatever the motives are, I personally cannot buy that the Houthies represent a threat to Saudi national security. Supposedly they do, then the question comes: is the massive destruction and mass killing a solution?
It should be said clearly and loudly, the war on Yemen debunked the immorality of the international order and institutions. This is an unjustified war, not because it is unjustly conducted but the parties involved in the war are those who claim to be the guardians of the international laws and those who steer the wheels of the UN and its affiliated institutions.
As we speak under the umbrella of Human Rights Council, it is our moral obligation to voice out our objection to Saudi kingdom being a member state in HRC, while it continues vehemently violating human rights principles and UN human rights declaration.
We acknowledge the fact that HRC has limited power when it comes to enforcing human rights principles but HRC can convey a clear message to those states hiding behind their membership of HRC that should THEY violate these HUMAN RIGHTS treaties not to DO that in HRC name. Can do or no can do?