Bahrain denies claims of torture ignoring reality on the ground

The Bahraini government denied the torture claims made by Human Rights groups, in spite of the reality on the ground and the undeniable proof of torture.
Three Bahraini Human Rights groups accused Bahrain’s National Security Agency of torturing human rights activists in their report entitled “Death Chamber”. These claims are substantiated by various Human Rights activist on the ground as well as Human Rights groups. They have confirmed that Ebtisam El Saegh and Nabeel Rajab have been tortured at the hands of the NSA.
The report provides extensive information on the various activists who were tortured by the NSA. For instance, Ebtisam El Sayegh was subjected to torture and sexual assault during an interrogation by the NSA in May this year. Similarly Nabeel Rajab a human rights defenders have faced malicious prosecutions and torture at the hand of the Bahraini government. Another activist Adel Marzooq was also arrested and tortured by the Bahraini National Security Agency. In May this year, law enforcement officers opened fire on activist attending a peaceful sit-in in Diraz.
In spite of all the evidence, the Bahraini government continues to deny and dismiss the multiple reports of Human Rights violations, torture, and malicious prosecutions. The Bahraini government fails to address these serious Human Rights violations and instead notes that all police stations are equipped with CCTV and thus that the activities are constantly monitored. They have also made claims that a special investigation unit was established to deal with these issues. However, it is clear that either these steps were never implemented or that they do not tackle the serious violations that continue to be reported.
The Bahraini government continues to paint a picture where Human Rights activist and defender are afforded the protection of the law and where police procedures are governed by the rule of law but this picture fails to fit the reality. The Bahraini government has also misrepresented the situation before the Human Rights Council on multiple occasions. The government has failed to implement almost all BICI and UPR recommendations. It is also prohibiting special rapporteurs from entering the country in order to investigate the situations. In order to ensure that the Human Rights violations are properly addressed, it is essential to have open channels of communications with the UN bodies and Human Rights groups.
ICSFT condemns such blatant Human Rights violation and calls on the international community to address the lack of freedom of speech in Bahrain. ICSFT also urges the Human Rights Council to take steps to address the substantiated claims of torture and malicious prosecutions against Human Rights activist in Bahrain.
International Council Supporting Fair Trial and Human Rights