Registration No. : 2795

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Leaked UN confidential report condemning Saudi crimes in Yemen

    A confidential UN report leaked last week alleges that the Saudi-led coalition has committed war crimes against the civilian population in Yemen. The content of this confidential report was initially published by the Foreign Policy Magazine, various other news outlet have now reported on the UN leaked report.   The UN draft report provides that the Saudi-led coalition has committed “grave Human Rights violation against Children” by conducting airstrikes in Yemen. The 41 page draft report notes that the airstrikes conducted by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen is the cause of over half of all the child casualties. The Saudi-led coalition is responsible for the largest death toll of children (683 children killed and 414 injured) even when compared to terrorists groups such as ISIS and Al Qaeda. The Saudi-led coalition has conducted more than 5676 airstrikes in Yemen only in 2017. Since the invasion by the Saudi-led coalition in 2015, the humanitarian situation has plummeted. The Saudi-led coalition regularly targets civilians and public infrastructures. These regular airstrikes have destructed hospitals and schools which is preventing the country from reversing the serious humanitarian crisis. In addition, the air and sea blockade put in place by the Saudi-led coalition prevents humanitarian aid from reaching the Yemeni population who is currently suffering from severe starvation. There are currently 17 million who are food insecure, of these, 6.8 million are severely food insecure and are rely entirely on external food assistance. The World Food Programme reported that there are 3 million children and women who are currently malnourished and in urgent need of assistance. The UN and the Red Cross have noted that the airstrikes and the blockades are the direct cause of the cholera epidemic which is decimating the country. The lack of clean water, medical supplies and infrastructures are causing the rapid spread of this mortal disease. So far, 500 000 infections have been reported and nearly 2000 civilians have succumbed to the disease. The WHO had previously stated that those most at risk of contracting the disease are children. The WHO has reported that this is the largest Cholera epidemic in the world. The Saudi-led coalition receives the support of major economic and military powers including among others, the United Kingdom and the United States. During his recent visit to Saudi Arabia, President Donald Trump concluded a weapons deal totaling $350 billion over a period of 10 years, thereby directly supporting the airstrikes and attacks on the civilian population in Yemen. ICSFT condemns the invasion of Yemen and urges the Saudi-led coalition to put an end to these serious violations of the laws of war and to the Geneva Convention. ICSFT calls on the international community and the relevant stakeholders to hold Saudi-led coalition accountable and end the impunity.