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Saudi Arabia’s list to Qatar

Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt have transmitted to Qatar, with whom they cut off diplomatic and economic relations since June 5, a list of thirteen conditions, for an end to the crisis.

In this text, the four countries are calling Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani to close Al-Jazeera television that it is accused of relaying the propaganda of the Muslim Brotherhood and to actively reduce its ties with Iran the regional rival of the Saudis.

Qatar is also called to expel members or elements linked to the Revolutionary Guards, an army of Iran, on its soil. It should also break any military or intelligence cooperation with Tehran.

The four states also call for the closure of a Turkish military base in Qatar, as well as for the expulsion of all persons considered as terrorists. They gave ten days to Doha to comply with the conditions transmitted through Kuwait, that is the mediator of the dispute.

Qatar's Foreign Minister, Anwar Gargach, urged Qatar to take the list of grievances seriously, failing which "the divorce will be effective". He accused the emirate of having "leaked" the list of requests from his neighbors, adding that Doha "seeks by this flight to defeat the mediation" led by Kuwait.

US President Donald Trump poses a tough stance against Qatar, which he accuses of being a "high-level" sponsor of terrorism, but he offered his assistance to the parties to resolve their conflict.

The US State Department said it was "stunned" that the GCC countries that broke their relations with Qatar didn’t provide any evidence of support for terrorism, Emirate to justify its isolation. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson invited the Arab countries involved in the crisis the following day to hand over their grievances to the Emirate in order to fix the situation.

Furthermore Saudi Arabia has a new crown prince in the person of Mohammed ben Salmane, named on Wednesday 21 June by his father King Salmane, replacing Mohammed ben Nayef the nephew.

What does it mean and what consequences can it have for the kingdom, in the Yemeni conflict and with a regional diplomatic crisis with Qatar?

In terms of foreign policy, Saudi Arabia will be even more offensive. Mohammed bin Salmane is behind the Saudi intervention in Yemen, and it was he who wished to isolate Qatar through the blockade that has been running since the beginning of June. The King thus wishes to break with years of regional policy deemed too soft and moderate. He wants to get rid of the era of King Abdullah, which had led Saudi Arabia to lose a lot of its influence in the region.

Faced with the Iranian enemy, Mohammed ben Salmane will no doubt lead a more active and muscular policy, with a strengthening of the confrontation and Sunni-Shiite divide. He is far from being in favor of moderation on this issue. On the domestic level, he was going to pursue the policy of economic reforms he had already engaged as a vice-prince.

ICSFT denounces the hypocrisy of the Gulf countries that have condemned Qatar, the Gulf States are in a poor position to judge Qatar in terms of terrorism because of the frequent violations of human rights, and many Of them support radical Islamist groups participating in proxy wars. ICST deplores the fact that the Qatari people find themselves without food because of the Saudo-Emirati blockade.