Bahrain strikes again, human rights activist tortured and told “no one can protect you”

Ebtisam al-Saegh, an activist who documents human rights violations in Bahrain, has been held by Bahraini NSA (National Security Agency) at the Muharraq police station and interrogated for more than 8 hours last Friday.
After serious threats against her family and her own safety, “she was blindfolded and tortured including beaten, kicked and told ‘no one can protect you’”. Shortly after being released, she suffered a nervous breakdown and was hospitalized.
This is not the first time Ebtisam al-Saegh has been targeted for being a human rights defender in Bahrain. As a matter of fact, after returning from the 34th session of the Human Rights Council, where she participated as one of ICSFT representatives, she was stopped at the airport and her passport was confiscated. Further, her car was torched earlier this month. Al-Saegh has been harassed by Bahraini authorities for years and ICSFT is deeply concerned over her safety and well-being.
Such violations are on the order of the day in Bahrain. Torture and other ill-treatments by law enforcement continue in a system marked by impunity and lack of independence of justice. The Bahraini authorities have also recently intensified the crackdown on freedom of expression and association. Another worrying case is that of human rights activist Nabeel Rajab, arrested in 2016 for publishing a tweet. He is still in solitary confinement for almost a year, after his trial was once more postponed to the 12 of June 2017.
The Bahraini authorities must abolish torture and end ongoing human rights violations.. Torture constitutes a serious violation of human rights and more specifically of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which entered into force on 26 June 1987.
ICSFT condemns in the strongest terms the use of torture and other cruel, inhuman degrading treatments or punishments by the Bahraini government. ICSFT calls for all stakeholders and the international community to denounce these horrendous actions so that the rights of other human rights defenders and victims like Al-Saegh and Rajab are ensured and protected.