Dr. Abdul Hameed Dashti ......................... Mr. Muqtada Al-Sadr
Although the statement of His Eminence Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr bears the fruits of his goodness, honesty and good intentions, I was hoping to leave it on the side while describing the American bombing of Syria, which is part of a larger scheme planned by Zionists.
International terrorism led by Britain, America and their allies, known to all, President Trump and others are tools to implement this despicable scheme. We cannot count on them in order to establish international peace and security in our region and the world. They mistreat general human rights; destroy the Arab and Muslim human rights and all the free and honorable people of the world who support them.
The unjust wars that have wreaked havoc in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain, Lebanon, Libya, Egypt and Tunisia and before them in Afghanistan and elsewhere, looting the wealth of the people of the Gulf, have succeeded in occupying nations. One of the aims of the Zionist scheme is to distract the international community with terrorism from issues such as the occupation of Palestine, where the British, the rogue Cowboy, America, the takfiri Saudi Wahhabism, some Arabs and Muslims are also participating.
Regarding the call that came from the statement by His Eminence Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr, jealous of Syrians and people in general, especially in regard to the Syrian territory and the rights of the Arab and Islamic nations, the persistence to demand the departure of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, "the first resistance," stands against the project of prostration, humiliation and surrender. I swear to God if this happened and President Al-Assad stepped down, the results would be catastrophic following by a break-up of the resistance and its major defeat.
How today is similar to yesterday! Let's remember that dark night when the late President Jamal Abdul-Nasser announced his resignation after the defeat in 1967. At that time, the defeated masses came out to express their rejection of his resignation because they felt they were orphans. They refused submission as well as to give the enemy any gains. You all imagine by default that the first resistance, Bashar al-Assad and the resistance leader did the same thing at the height of our war against terrorism in all fields and squares. What is the defeat that will afflict us and what is the displacement that will affect Syria and its people? After that, the Zionists, the Americans, the Wahhabis and the Takfiris will be proud of their victory.
For all that No and thousands of NOs in response to the demand for the victorious hero President Bashar Al-Assad to step down. Let the Syrian people decide, let them have their right to self-determination, which is their legitimate right, followed with an apology from Sayyed Muqtada al-Sadr for this sin, which will only raise him and will not diminish his value. I sincerely hope that you will soon visit Syria to express the feelings of love and absolute support for the Syrian leadership, army and people because this will delight our hearts, the hearts of the nation and the free people of the world.
Will our hope be fulfilled, Sayyed Muqtada al-Sadr? God bless you!
With all sincerity,
Dr. Abdul Hameed Dashti