Al-shayrat Airfield, Homs, Syria
ICSFT condemns in the strongest terms USA’s illegal missile strike on a Syrian air base and against the legitimate government of Syria. USA’s illegal and unauthorized attack has killed dozens of innocent Syrians. USA’s unilateral aggression on a territorial integrity of a sovereign country is against every international law, and a clear violation of UN charter Article 2(4) that requires states “to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force.”
ICSFT strongly condemns the use of chemical weapons, however without any evidence that proofs the Syrian government indeed used the said chemical weapons USA's unilateral act of aggression is no different than that of the terrorist groups who are the major destabilizing forces in Syria and Middle East in general. In addition to deepening the tragedy of the Syrian people, this utterly irresponsible act have given the terrorist groups like Daesh Takfiri a boost of confidence and power. Any claims against the government of Syria should be supported by a neutral investigation.
USA’s rash judgment in order to reinforce a political agenda and propaganda against the Syrian Government hinders real efforts towards addressing the root causes of such disasters. Unilateral military action without legal authorization or independent verification is a recipe for disaster that will intensify the situation on-the-ground that has already killed hundreds of thousands of people.
USA's illegal attack against a legally recognized government of Syria should be condemned by every government and UN as it is a slippery slip to our tragic past.
It's this kind of unilateral, illegal, reckless and hypocritical act of aggression by USA that led Iraq and Afghanistan to be the breeding grounds for ISIS. USA's invasion under the pretext of democracy and humanitarian cause has created an even bigger catastrophe in these countries- when are we going to learn from our not so distant history.
The last time countries acted out of self-interest and disregarding the mission of the international governing body (the League of Nations at the time), the peacekeeping organization fell apart and World War II occurred. This is a chance for the international community including the UN and member states to show that we are a community where rule of international law, not the mere impulses of a few, governs everyone.
We call on USA to cease illegal attacks on Syria and to engage in international dialogue with the Syrian government and neighboring states and the international community.
International Council supporting Fair Trial and Human Rights