A politicized and unilateral resolution on the human rights situation in the Syrian Arab Republic

The human rights council at its 34th session adopted a politicized and unilateral resolution on the human rights situation in the Syrian Arab Republic, Res. L. 37. This resolution in addition to being grossly biased, it ignores the the atrocities caused by terrorist groups that are funded by the same western counties preaching human rights to the Syrian government. The resolutions also presents an unfounded criticism of the legitimate Syrian government.
The draft resolution was submitted by
France, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait Morocco Qatar Saudi Turkey UK and USA
As was the case with previous resolutions on Syria, this resolution puts all the blame on the Syrian government for violence and falls short of recognizing the grave threat Johadists in Syria whose acts are aimed at destabilizing the gulf region pose to human rights.
Instead the resolution disregards the documented crimes of terrorist groups like ISIS and Daesh, including executions of civilians, torture, rape, recruiting children and persecuting minorities.
This continuous one sided "human rights agenda" propaganda at the human rights council raises doubts about the real intentions of those who keep tabling this resolution at the council under the disguise of human rights. It seems their politicized agenda that will further destabilize the situation in Syria once again has a "majority" vote with utter disregard for the consequences on-the -ground.
The resolution was passed by majority vote of 27 yes, 7 no, 13 abstentions.
Read the Resolution here 👇🏼