Registration No. : 2795

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ICSFT Denounces the vile arbitrary Detention and Human Rights Violation by the Bahraini Government


During a quick court session and tight security, the supreme court of appeal in Bahrain upheld on Monday 12/12/2016 has issued a verdict of  9 years imprisonment against the opposition leader sheikh Ali Salman, the general secretary of Alwefaq National Islamic Society.

The Bahraini government is still continuing in revoking nationality from activists, also in arbitrary detention without regards to its commitment to implement the recommendations put forward by Bassiouni commission, and also the UN recommendations issued in 2012 by UPR which the Bahraini authorities promised to comply with.

It is so clear that the Bahraini regime insists on neglecting the demands of Bahrainis since 14 February 2011 with recourse to excessive use of violence, religious persecution, deprivation of citizenship and imprisonment for long periods against opposition leaders and activists who call for reforms and political rights of the people.

We call the international community to stand against the arbitrary actions issued against human rights defenders and leaders such as sheikh Ali Salman, Al sheikh Isa Qassim and dozens of political figures who are facing harsh penalties.

We also ask the international community to pressure the Bahraini authorities to conform to all international conventions which ensure access to comprehensive reconciliation and accommodation and meet the demands of the Bahraini people by peaceful means. The first step to do so is to release immediately sheikh Ali Salman and other leaders, human rights defenders, and all activists including prisoners of conscience.


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