INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL SUPPORTING FAIR TRIAL AND HUMAN RIGHTS (ICSFT) in Geneva deplores in the strongest terms the outrageous arrest of the Nigerian Shia leader, Sheikh Zakzaky, and the brutal human rights violations faced by the innocent and defenseless citizens in Nigeria.

Case in point, in the city of Zaria, an attack was launched on hussainiyat, where the Nigerians held the anniversary consolation Council of the Martyrdom of Imam Reza. The leader of the Nigerian Shia Sheikh Ibraheem yaquob Zakzaky was arrested during the event and his deputy, Sheikh Toure was killed and many Shia attendees severely injured.

ICSFT demands for the immediate release of Sheikh Zakzaky and urges the international community to pursue the perpetrators and bring them to justice.

ICSFT also calls up on the Nigerian authorities to ensure the right of Sheikh Zakzaky inside the prison in Nigeria, in compliance with international standards of humane treatment and all the articles regarding The Minimum Standard Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, which was recommended for adoption by the first United Nations Conference held in Geneva in 1955 and approved by the Economic and Social Council resolution 663 C (d -24) in July 31, 1957 and 2076 (d -62) in May 13, 1977.

Furthermore, we appeal the concerned international and regional organizations to do their best to protect the human rights and the freedom of worship in Nigeria.

ICSFT office in Geneva would like to express its sincere condolences to the families of the martyrs who are forced to endure such calamity, and we wholeheartedly sympathize with the injured and wish them a speedy recovery. We hope this tragedy inspires patience and fortitude amongst us to preserve international peace and security in all parts of the world and we will fight until the end when all humans could enjoy a life filled with happiness, goodness and prosperity.