Joint NGO Statement: 33 Arab organization call upon His Excellency, Mr. Zeid Ra’ad The High Commissioner for Human Rights to:
- To send an International Investigation Committee to look into the atrocities committed in Yemen on the hands of the Saudi lead aggression;
- To Immediately Remove the Saudi Ambassador from his seat as the head of the key UN Human Rights Council panel that selects top officials.
Your Excellency,
Ever since the establishment of the Human Rights council, Human rights defenders have viewed the Council to be a powerful mechanism for the enhancement of Human Rights and an arena to expose the suffering of the people.
However, the 30
th session of the Council was viewed as a setback to this everlasting trend, specifically in regard to the Human Rights status in the Middle East.
Firstly, Regardless of the ongoing aggression, the council has rewarded the Saudi government by offering the chair of the Committee of Experts to Permanent Saudi Ambassador while disregarding the Dutch Project, the council has rewarded Saudi Arabia on its aggression by adopting the Saudi proposal which has been previously rejected by all Yemeni and International Human Rights movement.
Secondly, the appointment of the Saudi ambassador as head of a key UN Human Rights Council panel that selects top officials who shape international human rights standards and report on violations worldwide was a shock and disappointment for all human rights defenders. An ambassador from a country that has arguably the worst record in the world when it comes to the protection and promotion of human rights, continues to imprison the innocent human rights activist, applies death penalty, and denies women of the basic human rights, being appointed to preside over one of the key committees associated with the HRC is a shame and serious retreat in the fight for human rights.
We strongly support the joint-statement on Bahrain under the initiative of Switzerland at the United Nations Human Rights Council; however, the Council continues to deal with the issue of Bahrain with silk gloves towards the Bahraini government which has stepped up its repressive measures against the Bahraini people and the human rights situation in Bahrain remains an issue of serious concern to all. Furthermore, we are deeply concerned about the continued harassment and imprisonment of persons exercising their rights to freedom of opinion and expression, including human rights defenders and journalists. We are troubled by continuing reports of ill-treatment and torture in detention facilities. Of substance, in spite of this horrendous reality on the ground the Council has not taken any strict practical procedures towards Bahrain's government to investigate the torture operations in JO prison and allow the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, Mr. Juan Ernesto Mendez to visit Bahrain prison.
Fourthly, the Israeli Knesset approved a controversial measure bill allowing Israel to begin force-feeding hunger-striking Palestinian detainees’ torture decision. Although this measure has been derided by human rights groups and medical organizations including Israeli doctors, we did not see even a brief reference to this act of torture by the Israeli government in the opening address.
Your Excellency,
We draw your attention to the aforementioned issues that pose a serious retreat in the fight for human rights and undermines the reputation and credibility of the HRC, which remain as a platform for the protection and promotion of human rights and a firm voice against the authoritarian systems that violate the most basic principles of human rights.
The undersigned organizations strongly urge the council to reverse the appointment of the Saudi ambassador as head of a key UN Human Rights Council and to support the call against the Saudi led aggression in Yemeni and the dispatch of an international investigation committee. Most importantly, we call up on the Human Rights Council to call for an emergency special session to discuss the severe human rights and humanitarian situation in Yemen and the human rights violations and escalation of repressive practices against the Bahraini people by the Bahraini government and urge that all allegations are properly investigated including by the newly established institutions, and to urge the Israeli occupation forces to cancel the decision of the forced feeding of detainees and the release of all children, women and patients in Israeli jails. Lastly, we invite the council to make a strong call to end the death sentence penalty parties in Saudi Arabia and the protection of human rights defenders who are exposed to arbitrary prosecution in the Gulf region
We count on your support and look forward to hear from your office soonest.
The following NGOs co-drafted and endorse this statement:
Khiam Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture - / Lebanon
International Council Supporting Fair Trial and Human Rights
International Council for supporting rights and freedom / EGYPT
The Bahjatalfuad medical and psychological rehabilitation center for victims of torture / Iraq
Organization house of law
Legal House / Yemen Foundation
The Palestinian NGOs coordination in Lebanon
Human Rights and Democracy Media Center ‘SHAMS' / Palestine
Yemeni coalition for monitoring civil crimes of aggression / Yemen
Sisters Arab Forum for Human Rights / Yemen
Yemen Organization for Defending Rights and Democratic Freedoms / Yemen
Civil Alliance of peace and the protection of the rights and freedoms / Yemen
The Legal Center for the Rights and Development / Yemen
The Yemeni women network to peace and security / Yemen
Adaleh Foundation for Human Rights / Yemen
The Legal Center for Civil Rights / Yemen
International Human Rights Group / Yemen.
National network for the Rights of the Child / Yemen
Visions Center for Electoral Studies / Yemen
Arab Association for Human Rights / Yemen
Ma'onah Association for Human Rights / Yemen
National organization for Combat of Human Trafficking / Yemen.
Yemeni Coalition Against the Death Penalty
Salam for Democracy and Human Rights
Activate of civil society organization/ Lebanon
European-Bahraini Organization for Human Rights
Lawyers Without Borders / Yemen
Maonah Association for Human Rights, Immigration / Yemen
April 27 Organization for Rights and Freedoms / Yemen
Legal awareness / Yemen Organization
Future Movement Organization / Yemen
Middle East Social Development / Yemen
Amman Center for Human Rights Studies / Jordan