22 HR Organizations denounce lifting Parliamentary immunity from Dr. Abdulhameed Dashti

The 22 organizations considered this condemnation in the context of preparation to other important steps to undermine the constitutional and human rights of MP Dr. Dashti in addressing the situation of human rights in Bahrain as a President of the "International Council Supporting Fair Trial and Human Rights" based in Geneva.
The 22 organizations demanded the Kuwaiti authorities to prevail democratic values they have adhered over the past years, and not to succumb to the pressures of the other Gulf states, especially Saudi Arabia, contrary to the interests of its people and their legitimate rights account.
According to the organizations statement: " lift the parliamentary immunity of MP Dr. Abdul Hameed Dashti is a dangerous precedent in the Kuwaiti parliamentary lifetime, It is placed in the context of the preparation of other steps which no less dangerous to undermine the constitutional and human right to Deputy Dashti in addressing the situation of human rights in Bahrain as President of the International Council for the support of a fair trial and human rights based in Geneva".
the statement added: "As we express our extreme condemnation, we express our grave concern in Kuwait of a significant decline in the field of human rights and the suffering of the House of Representatives in the National Assembly in response to the practice of human and constitutional right to engage in free guaranteed speech by the Kuwaiti constitution, as Dashti criticized human rights situation in Bahrain, according to the preamble statement of the Gulf Cooperation Council, which confirms the common destiny of the peoples of the Gulf. "
It continued: "We're, Out of our commitment to keep Kuwait distinguished by its readiness among other GCC countries in the field of public freedom and that is clearly reflected in the freedom of the press and freedom of expression as well as the prestigious parliamentary experience, we call on the Kuwaiti authorities to prevail democratic values, which has committed over the past years and not to succumb pressures and other Gulf states, especially Saudi Arabia on the interests of its people and the legitimate rights, and a to review the voting process in their own parliament to lift the immunity of MP Dashti which is not in accordance with the democratic norms and the interest of the Kuwaiti people. It was clear that there was a deliberate intention to harm MP and human rights activist Dr. Abdul Hamid Dashti, and therefore we call for commitment to constitutional values and respect of freedom of expression for all citizens, including deputies of the National Assembly. "
The statement concluded by saying: "As we consider the vote to lift the immunity as a malicious process unrelated to the march of democracy, we consider standing beside the MP and human rights activist Abdul Hameed Dashti and reject all the consequences of such a malicious decision, and we will continue our solidarity with him and all MPs who are facing similar decisions in an arbitrary and malicious ways, and will resort all legitimate means to do all peaceful activities in the international arena that puts the world in the merits of the case and its roots and the circumstances around it. "
Human rights organizations signed on the statement:
1. Arab Commission for Human Rights
2. Protection of Human Rights Defenders Association in the Arab world
3. European-Arab Friendship Society
4. Arab Cultural Forum of the European
5. German Iraqi Assembly
6. International Council Supporting Fair Trial and Human Rights
7. International Organization for combating terrorism and religious extremism
8. Defense Organization for Victims of Torture
9. Zahra Organization for Human Rights
10. Association defending the rights of Muslims in Belgium
11. International Centre to support the rights and freedoms
12. Agency for Human Rights
13. Diwan Almazalem alAhli (Diwani)
14. Alqist organization to support human rights
15. Saudi European Organization for Human Rights
16. Peace and Justice Institute
17. Bahrain Human Rights Forum
18. Peace Bahrain Organization
19. Bahrain Center for Human Rights
20. Jordan Society for Human Right
21. Khyam Center for Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture
22. Aman net for the rehabilitation and defense of human rights