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New message from Abdul Hadi al-Khawaja to Human Rights Defenders

New message from Abdul Hadi al-Khawaja to Human Rights Defenders

Abdulhadi_alKhawaja 99

Manama, Bahrain .. sound - special

    A Leaked the message from the detained human rights activist Abdulhadi al-Khawaja to human rights defenders in general and in particular to the Bahrainis, likening them as "sailors."

The message reads as follows:

       As human rights defenders you Sailers, and battling waves of the sea and watching the wind. If the waves are Regimes, winds are Western governments, which as usual is sometimes blowing in the direction you want the sea, and sometimes static, sometimes blowing in the opposite direction. Seas skilled team knows that when the wind is blowing in the direction you want, he has to raise the sail and uses all his tools to move toward its goal. When the wind is blowing in the opposite direction, he should drop the sail and continue to prepare for the moment when the wind changes. Seas veteran do not give up when the wind is blowing the opposite of what he wants, what matters is to have a compass and knows its destination. Sometimes you may feel that you do not move from your place, or even that you are in decline, but as human rights defenders You have to remember that your influence be in the long run.

         There are those who give up and stop when they see that the wind blows in the opposite direction they want, but the real defender continues to work, prepare documentation and defense the oppressed. Because he knows that his insistence is what prepares to do big changes when the wind has changed direction. He also knows, as sailors de, that perseverance and work is what keeps the boat floating.