Registration No. : 2795

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Resolution A/HRC/41/L.25 titled the human rights situation in the Syrian Arab Republic was adopted with 26 yes, 7 no, and 14 abstentions.

France, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, Netherlands, Qatar, Turkey, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland tabled this resolution to the council.

The champions of this resolution, including UK and France, have their own political agenda and vested interest in Syria which is the real driving force hidden behind the “human rights agenda”.

Following the adoption of this biased resolution on Syria at the council, ICSFT would like to reiterate its principled position against politicization, selectivity and double standards and any attempt to use human rights issue as a tool for pressure, interference in internal affairs with self-serving  political and economic interest. The relentless one sided dialogue crafted and perpetuated by these states and the COI at this council is not going to bring peace to Syria.

Negative and hostile approach based on fabricated accusations and distortion of facts promoted by countries financing terrorist groups have dictated this council’s discussion on Syria.

Although the council was established under the principle of impartiality and objectivity, the ongoing debate doesn’t address the ongoing illegal military aggression of countries sponsoring this resolution and Israel, as recent as last week’s missile attack in Sahnaya, Homs and the surroundings of Damascus by Israel that killed 4, including one child, and wounded 21 civilians.

The continued practice of producing biased and politicized reports and holding one sided dialogues under the name of human rights on Syria which is far from reality on the ground and ignores the sincere efforts made by country, is unconstructive and counterproductive and breeds but hostility among states. Once again, we reiterate our stance that the human rights of the Syrian people can fully be guaranteed only when terrorism is eliminated throughout the country with the termination of foreign support by the same states sponsoring this biased resolution year after year.

ICSFT is disappointed by the council’s continued disregard to terrorism and unilateral coercive measures which are fundamental to the suffering of Syrians.

Syrian issue should be resolved by the Syrian people, only then can we talk about peace and security and sustainable development in the country.

We take this opportunity to reiterate  our  support to and solidarity with the Syrian people in their just struggle against terrorism and to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, which is a significant contribution to the promotion and protection of human rights of the Syrian people.

ICSFT strongly recommends that the politicized human rights approach toward Syria with repetition and duplication of one sided dialogue on the country which is bringing nothing but redundant workload and confrontation and wasting the council’s limited resource should be discontinued.

ICSFT urges this council to be guided in its work by the principles of objectivity and impartiality. This is the only way to contribute to the real provision of human rights in Syria. The Syrian government is  always open to dialogue and cooperation, especially when they are aimed at achieving concrete results.

Therefore we urge this council and states to provide support based on constructive cooperation and respect for national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

We must not let biased and unilateral international political rhetoric overwhelm our responsibility to the ongoing illegal and unilateral attacks on the people of Syria and their sovereign country.

In this context we would like to thank the delegations of Cuba, China, Egypt, Eritrea, Philippines, Somalia, and Iraq who voted NO – citing this resolution doesn’t contribute to a long lasting, just, inclusive peace and political solution in Syria - rejecting this biased, selective and politically motivated resolution.