Registration No. : 2795

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ICSFT denounces USA’s weapons sell deal with Saudi Arabia

ICSFT recalls that under the ATT, only the identification of a risk of committing or facilitating serious violations of international humanitarian law or human rights law triggers the obligation for State Parties to deny arms exports. It is wrong and immoral to think that this risk does not exist in relation to arms sales to Saudi Arabia. The evidence we see from Yemen suggests the opposite: the risk is very clear.

Therefore we urge USA to immediately stop arms transfers to Saudi Arabia, and any other country where the arms export could facilitate a serious violation of international human rights law or humanitarian law!

Why are USA, selling arms to a country that has supported terror, has a poor human-rights record, and has waged a reckless war in Yemen?

If human rights, democracy, and regional stability is USA’s agenda, stop supporting and arming Saudi Arabia- Saudi Arabia, a repressive regime on top of the world’s top human rights violators list.


Please find attached the press release

ICSFT pr on USA arms deal with Saudi