Registration No. : 2795

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The 40th HRC just adopted the usual one sided and politicised resolution titled the human rights situation in Syria Res. L.7. with 28 yes, 5 no, and 14 abstention.

The resolution is tabled by France, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, Netherlands, Qatar, Turkey, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

This is a prime example of politicized practice and the continued exploitation of the Council and its mechanisms in promoting geopolitical agendas that have nothing to do with human rights issues. As such we are not surprised that the council yet again fell hostage to the politically motivated narrative of imposing decisions inconsistent to its founding principle of non-selectivity and impartiality. The underlining agenda of this resolution is the continuing campaign to defame the image of the legitimate Syrian government and its territorial integrity.

Where is this council’s moral compass?

The council systematically has become an inflammatory place to promote one sided political agenda. Council members’ ongoing targeting of the legitimate government of Syria and adoption of this resolution risks undercutting the important work the Council is doing on other urgent human rights matters, and threatens its credibility.

The resolution conveniently leaves out the ongoing violations committed by terrorist groups sponsored by the same countries tabling this biased resolution at the council. Syrian government is protecting its citizens against violations by the terrorist groups, violations that the self-proclaimed human rights protectorate countries ignore as per usual. As was the case with previous resolutions on Syria, this resolution puts all the blame on the Syrian government for violence and falls short of recognizing the grave threat Jihadists in Syria whose acts are aimed at destabilizing the gulf region pose to human rights.

The sponsoring countries up on tabling the resolution paint a false narrative and criticism against the legitimate Syrian government to further promote their own economic and political interest in the region. With little to no consideration to the innocent Syrian people’s lives who are under constant threat of terrorism. As well they claim to support we strongly support a peaceful political solution in Syria, meanwhile they fail to denounce and criticise the unilateral tripartite aggression and intervention against Syria by UK, USA, and France – countries not only sponsoring this biased resolution but terrorist groups and white helmets to attack and defame the legitimate Syrian government. Therefore this begs the question is promoting lasting peace and political solution for Syria the real agenda of the authors and sponsors of this resolution? The answer is a hard NO.

ICSFT remains consistent in its position to oppose the ongoing politicization, selectivity and double standards and strongly rejects any attempt to use human rights issue as a tool for pressure, interference in internal affairs and attacking sovereign Syrian republic.

We would like to reiterate the human rights of the Syrian people can fully be guaranteed only when terrorism is eliminated throughout the country with the termination of foreign support-USA, UK, France-to them, only then can we achieve meaningful peace and security in the country.

We would like to take this opportunity to applaud the progress and victory achieved by the Syrian government and people in the fight against terrorism and for restoring peace, stability and territorial integrity which will be of significant contribution to the protection and promotion of human rights of the Syrian people.

In this context we would like to thank the delegations of Cuba, China, Egypt, Eritrea, and Iraq who voted NO on this resolution rejecting this biased, selective and politically motivated resolution. They reiterated that this resolution doesn’t contribute to a long lasting, just, inclusive peace and political solution in Syria.

We urge this council to stop the politicized approach toward Syria, and engage in a constructive dialogue and cooperation with the government for the genuine promotion of human rights.

This council should not be sidetracked by fake and sensationalized human rights agendas that distort the reality on the ground.

Instead the council’s focus and priority should be the Syrian people.


Please find attached of the resolution
