Registration No. : 2795

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International Council Supporting Fair Trial and Human Rights in solidarity with prisoners and detainees in the secret prisons of the UAE in the south of Yemen

The International Council Supporting Fair Trial and Human Rights expresses in solidarity with all prisoners and detainees in the secret prisons in the south of Yemen. For over four years, the suffering of the people of the southern region of Yemen has Still continued, by continue with violations of enforced disappearance, arbitrary detention and brutal practices of the United Arab Emirates unchecked.

The Council condemns inhumane and encroachment practices and all the violations of human rights principles against the Yemeni people, stressing that arbitrary detention and forced detention are a war crime and must be held accountability of the perpetrators.

It also calls upon the legitimate government to shoulder its legal responsibility towards the lives and safety of prisoners and detainees and to ensure that they enjoy their full legitimate rights.


Please find attached of the press release

 The International Council Supporting Fair Trial and Human Rights in solidarity with prisoners and detainees in the secret prisons of the UAE in the south of Yemen