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70th Anniversary Celebration for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

70th Anniversary Celebration for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”


Today marks the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). UDHR is a concise statement of 30 unique interdependent, indivisible and interrelated human rights applying to everyone, everywhere. Adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948, the world in 2018 commemorates 70 years of the UDHR’s existence.


The UDHR promises to all the economic, social, political, cultural and civic rights that underpin a life free from want and fear. They are not country-specific, or particular to a certain era or social group.


In the 70 years of the its existence, the 30 human rights in the UDHR have become part of binding international, regional, sub-regional and national laws. These rights have also inspired the emergence of more elaborate human rights documents, enforceable treaties, treaty bodies, independent states, abolishment of harmful practices, progressive judicial and quasi-judicial pronouncements, and human rights campaigns across the globe.

70 years ago today the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted. However human rights challenges, in particular freedom of expression remain enormous in the Middle East. Dissidents, journalists, HRDs and political oppositions are under severe repression. The human rights situation in countries like Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait is rather distressing and dreadful, despite the efforts that have been put forward by rights groups and international community. The fight for human rights is not even close to victory and we could not celebrate as of yet.  

Please find attached the press release

70th Anniversary Celebration for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights